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Premier Diamond Group on $2.8m Sale of 70-ct Fancy Yellow Diamond

(, January 19, 2022 ) Ontario, Canada -- Early in December 2021, a 70-ct Fancy Diamond was sold for $28 million which led the Christie’s Magnificent Jewels sale in New York to raise approximately $55 million according to IDEX Online. This should, however, not come as a surprise because yellow-colored diamonds have made history before.

The yellow diamond has held its own when it comes to sales in the colored diamond market for some time. According to Gemological Institute of America (GIA), a 12.16 ct Fancy Vivid yellow was sold for $155,232 per carat In November 2010. A 43.36 ct Fancy Vivid yellow was sold for $2,654,802.70 ($71,871 per carat) in November 2011, while a 27.42 Fancy Intense yellow was sold for $76,470 per carat in December 2011.

In 2013, yellow diamonds continued to make strides when Bonhams auction in New York City sold three coveted yellow diamonds. The first, according to Noam Flint of Naturally Colored, “was a 5.61-carat old European-cut natural fancy yellow diamond ring, which obliterated pre-sale expectations and selling for $146,000 (three times the expected price).” A 15.45-carat rectangular cut fancy diamond solitaire ring fetched a whopping $300,500. The third was the intense yellow diamond that was sold for $590,00 – this was a “Bulgari ring mounted with a radiant cut intense yellow diamond weighing 21.07 carat and flanked by triangular colorless diamonds weighing 3.52 carat,” reports Flint.

Over the years, yellow diamonds have gained popularity in the industry due to their price affordability. To purchase yellow diamonds, whether for collection or for investment purposes, factors that determine prices of these stones are yellow color grade, supporting colors, cut and clarity and the carat.

Yellow color grade diamonds are cheaper while the Fancy Vivid or Fancy Intense are more expensive. When it comes to supporting colors, pure yellow like the Canary diamonds with green or orange color are the most expensive while the brownish yellow diamonds are sometimes cheaper. In cut and clarity, the 4 C’s play a big role in pricing. In carat, a high carat weight demands a higher price – that is the price is dependent upon carat weight.

Before anyone thinks of buying yellow diamonds, it is important to know the aforementioned factors. Those considering yellow diamonds as investment vehicles, should contact a professional in the colored diamond market. There are vast resources on natural-colored yellow diamonds available to the public. However, the President of Premier Diamond Group (North America) Ltd, Mr. David Metcalfe is available for consultation. He is a pioneer in the branding of natural-colored diamonds as a hedge against excessive market volatility brought about by speculation and government credit excesses. For more information, go

About Premier Diamond Group (North America) Ltd

Premier Diamond Group specializes in the purchase and sale of natural-colored diamonds for wealth accumulation and estate planning purposes. The firm holds membership in the International Colored Gemstone Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

For more information, go to

Contact Information

Premier Diamond Group (North America) Ltd.

Skyway Business Park,

170 Attwell Drive, Suite 100

Toronto, Ontario M9W 5Z5


This report is based on information available to the public. The information and any statistical data contained herein has been obtained from sources we believe reliable, but we do not represent that they are accurate or complete and should not be relied upon as such. The material contained herein is for information purposes only.

Premier Diamond Group (North America) Lt

David Metcalfe


Source: EmailWire.Com

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